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The Church With A Heart
get in touch

True North VBS 2025 Registration

In person Vacation Bible School for ages 4 and up will be held June 23-27, 6:30-8:30 p.m., at:

Grace Fellowship Baptist Church
3801 McCart Ave
Fort Worth, TX 76110
Church Phone: (817) 924-2415.

The office is open by appointment, but if you leave a message we will get in touch with you or
email any questions to

Learner's First Name: 
Learner's Last Name: 
Birthday (i.e. MM/DD/YYYY)
LAST Grade Completed:
(No children under 4 years of age. No child care available.)
Mother's First Name:
Mother's Last Name:
Father's First Name:
Father's Last Name
(If Different):
Cell/Home Phone:
(Phone where you can receive text messages, i.e. info, emergency, etc.)
E-Mail Address:
Allergies (List all)
(Leave Blank if None)
Medical & Special Needs (List all)
(Leave Blank if None)
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Phone: (xxx-xxx-xxxx)
Authorized Pickup:
Individual's First Name:
Individual's Last Name:
Name of Church You Normally Attend:
May we have permission to photograph your child to be used in VBS crafts and/or on our church social media sites?:
Comments or other information needed for your child.
Grace Fellowship Baptist Church has put in place preventative measures against the spread of COVID-19. However, COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is spread by person-to-person contact. By attending VBS, you assume all risk related to COVID-19.

VBS is free to all. If you would like to make a donation, you can use our PayPal link on the home page or Zelle your donation to the church at with the note: For VBS.



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