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The Church With A Heart
get in touch

Past Messages - 2020

Heaven (5 Jan-2 Feb 2020)

Spiritual Warfare (9 Feb - 1 Mar 2020)

The Wrath Of God (8 Mar - 5 Apr 2020)

Easter (12 Apr 2020)

A Tale of Seven Churches (19 Apr - 14 Jun 2020)

Mother's Day (10 May 2020)

Father's Day (21 Jun 2020)

The Armor of God (28 Jun 2020)

Life, Liberty and The Pursuit
of Happiness (5 Jul 2020)

The Elijah Chronicles (12 Jul - 2 Aug 2020)

Women Of The Old Testament (9 Aug-13 Sep)

Mark 1 (20 Sep - 15 Nov 2020)

Christmas 2020 (22 Nov - 13 Dec)

New Year Message (27 Dec)

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